

Pulmonary Hypertension (PH), particularly Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), presents a fatal complication in chronic diseases, affecting 1 in 50,000 individuals, predominantly at a young age and more often in females. The underlying genetic link involves mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2) gene, disrupting BMP signaling. The PHAEDRA-IMPACT consortium aims to understand PH and PAH.

The Research
The research focuses on understanding PAH through the transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) signaling pathway, particularly influenced by mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2) gene, prevalent in heritable and some non-hereditary PAH cases. The PHAEDRA initiative identified compounds that modulate the TGFβ/BMP balance, showing efficacy in restoring endothelial function and reversing pulmonary vascular remodeling in preclinical models, though not curing PAH, making early detection crucial.

PHAEDRA has identified biomarkers for timely diagnosis and personalized treatment. PHAEDRA-IMPACT will enhance early detection using non-invasive risk assessments, imaging, and biomarker profiling to detect pre-capillary PH. Precision medicine will guide tailored therapies based on advanced imaging and biomarker analyses, addressing disease progression variability among predisposed individuals.

Additionally, patient-derived induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells will be used in 3D culture models of lung and heart tissues to uncover PAH mechanisms and identify therapeutic targets. This comprehensive approach aims to advance our understanding of PAH pathogenesis, accelerate drug development, and enable personalized treatment and preventive strategies for individuals at risk or affected by PH.

This consortium was funded through the Impulse Grant program by the Dutch Heart Foundation.

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Individuals with atrial fibrillation are at increased risk of an ischemic stroke. Active detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) and optimal referral and treatment of patients could prevent an estimated 1500 ischemic strokes annually. Effective collaboration between primary and secondary care professionals is essential for achieving this goal of stroke prevention attributed to AF. This is the primary objective of the implementation consortium known as CUSTOM-AF. The origin  The CUSTOM-AF was founded in June 2020 and restarted in 2022. CUSTOM-AF implementation consortium aims to share successful practice examples with regional networks and develop guidelines for organizing active detection and integrated care within a network. Additionally, consortium partners seek innovative methods for general practitioners to detect and manage AF without necessitating hospital referrals. With this consortium, the Dutch Heart Foundation, NVVC Connect, Harteraad, and the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance, all work together towards optimal care for patients with AF. The Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) serves as a key advisor to the consortium. Earlier detection and better treatment of atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia in adults, is an important part of the cardiovascular disease research agenda that the Dutch Heart Foundatoin set in 2014, which funds the CUSTOM-AF consortium. The Research The scope of the consortium has been expanded to include two disorders: heart failure and AF. The consortium has undertaken significant initiatives over the past two years (2020-2022) to advance its objectives: Guideline Development: The consortium developed the "Screening and Treatment Optimization for AF" guideline, designed to facilitate early detection of AF within regional healthcare systems. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A comprehensive analysis conducted to assess various screening scenarios for AF, evaluating the economic feasibility of different approaches. Thematic Collaboration: In early 2022, a thematic collaboration titled "Juiste Hartzorg op de Juiste Plek" was established in partnership with the Heart Foundation and ZonMw. This collaboration secured funding for 22 regions to support transmural collaboration on AF and HF, with a focus on early detection and treatment optimization. Moving forward from September 2022, NVVC Connect will intensify support for the regions by emphasizing continuous improvement through the PDCA cycle, facilitating knowledge sharing, and implementing innovative approaches. These efforts are aimed at strengthening collaboration and improving outcomes in AF and HF care across the participating regions.
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Clinical staff in hospital wards traditionally collect vital signs periodically to assess a patient's cardiorespiratory status, often with intervals of 6 to 10 hours. This method, known as spot-checking, has limitations due to its infrequent nature and dependence on contact sensors, which can be uncomfortable for patients, particularly during sleep. The Focus Recent advancements demonstrate that vital signs like heart rate, respiration rate, blood oxygen saturation, and temperature can be monitored remotely using camera-based methods, which are less invasive compared to contact sensors. This innovation could significantly enhance patient comfort by enabling continuous monitoring without the need for frequent interventions by clinical staff. Continuous monitoring also allows for trend analysis of vital signs, offering a comprehensive assessment of a patient's cardiorespiratory condition. Additionally, camera-based methods enable video context analysis, such as detecting patient movements or identifying pain through facial expression analysis. This project explores the use of continuous video monitoring as an unobtrusive method to predict and monitor patient deterioration or adverse events. The Research Initially, the feasibility and reliability of camera-based continuous monitoring will be evaluated using data from consenting patients in the ICU at Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven and healthy volunteers. Subsequently, robust technologies will be developed to automatically detect signs of patient deterioration by generating automated early warning scores based on measured vital signs. Throughout the project, feedback from clinical staff and patient experiences will inform the design and implementation of camera-based technologies and early warning systems. Origin This project is funded within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program 'Heart for Sustainable Care'. The focus of this program is the development of medical technology for the earlier detection, monitoring, and better treatment of cardiovascular diseases to ensure accessible healthcare and sufficient staffing. The program has been developed en funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw and NWO, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.
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