We will create fast tracks from idea to company offering inspiration, expertise and funding for valorization


The Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (DCVA) focusses on valorization to accelerate the translation of research ideas into practical applications for cardiovascular health. Through valorization fast tracks, the DCVA supports consortia in developing new products, technologies, and methods to reduce cardiovascular disease burden.

Researchers engage in valorization by challenging and discussing research outcomes with relevant entrepreneurs and investors to identify opportunities and evaluate initiatives.

Additionally, the DCVA also helps to develop thematic technology transfer teams for cardiovascular research between universities. These teams serve as specialized points of contact for researchers and foster expertise sharing through regular insights exchanges.

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Chair of Valorization

Rob de Ree

Operating partner at Biogeneration Ventures

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A significant achievement is the launch of the FIRST fund, a 9.5-million-euro initiative of the DCVA and Regenerative Medicine Crossing Borders (RegMed XB). This fund supports the development of promising proposals into "investment-ready" companies, bridging the gap between research and practical applications for Dutch patients.s.

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