The DCVA brings partners together to deliver in breakthrough science in consortia to develop new cardiovascular solutions

Research Policy

The DCVA aims to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease by 25% by 2030 by early detection of cardiovascular disease, accelerated development of solutions, and faster implementation for patients.

Dutch cardiovascular researchers are globally recognized for their excellence. Over the past decade, existing public-private partnerships have proven highly successful. Building on this strong foundation, we support breakthrough science through consortia that lay the groundwork for innovative cardiovascular solutions. Our goal is to develop new research programs that effectively reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, our partners closely collaborate to minimize hurdles in getting research started, creating the optimal conditions for achieving impactful outcomes.

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Chair of Research Policy

Prof. dr. ir. Hester den Ruijter

Professor of Cardiovascular Disease in Women at UMC Utrecht

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DCVA Knowlegde Gaps ('Kennishiaten')

Research agendas for knowledge gaps focus on evaluating and optimizing current healthcare practices, rather than solely developing new solutions for the future. Collaboration among specialists caring for specific patient groups generates interconnected questions, offering opportunities for innovative interdisciplinary research.

In 2022, the DCVA introduced a plan to assist partners assess and enhance existing healthcare, employing a multidisciplinary approach to identify gaps in routine medical practices. These knowledge gaps within DCVA partnerships cover all aspects related to preventing, diagnosing, and treating cardiovascular disease.

The full report on the knowledge gaps of the DCVA can be found below. This report highlights existing gaps and identifies areas where the DCVA can foster collaboration among medical disciplines to drive interdisciplinary research.

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