DCVA Knowlegde Gaps ('Kennishiaten')

The aim of the DCVA is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease by 25% in 2030. This will be achieved by early detection of cardiovascular disease, faster development of solutions, and quicker implementation for patients. In 2022, the DCVA outlined its plan to support partners in assessing and enhancing existing care. This involves adopting a multidisciplinary approach based on identifying knowledge gaps from routine medical practices.

Background on knowlegde gaps

Research agendas for knowledge gaps ("kennishiaten") focus on evaluating and optimizing current healthcare practices. Collaboration among specialists caring for specific patient groups generates interconnected questions, offering opportunities for innovative interdisciplinary research. The Federatie Medisch Specialisten (FMS) assists medical  associations in creating a knowledge agenda and publishes these agendas on its website. The Dutch General Practitioners Association (NHG) also monitors knowledge gaps through the National Research Agenda on General Medicine. The knowledge gaps among DCVA partners encompass all aspects related to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease.


Research agendas for knowledge gaps differ from other agendas as they mainly concentrate on assessing and improving existing healthcare practices rather than developing new solutions for the future. Within the knowledge gaps of professional associations partnering with the DCVA, there are numerous interconnected questions that arise due to collaboration among different specialists caring for specific patient groups.

The report

In 2022, the DCVA saw this as an opportunity and took intitiative to combine the agendas from its partner in a multidisciplinary report. This report highlights the existing knowledge gaps and identifies areas where the DCVA can facilitate and promote collaboration among various medical disciplines, initiating mulitidisciplinary research.


Please review the report and reach out if you are interested in addressing the knowledge gaps identified on the agenda of DCVA partners.

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