
Whole team
Management team
Steering committee
Supervisory board
See team governance
Prof. dr. Jolien Roos-Hesselink
Professor Cardiology Erasmus MC and Managing-director DCVA
Astrid Schut
Managing Director at Vereniging WCN
Rebecca Abma-Schouten
Manager Research & Health Care Innovation at The Dutch Heart Foundation
Prof. dr. ir. Hester den Ruijter
Professor of Cardiovascular Disease in Women at UMC Utrecht
Rob de Ree
Operating partner at Biogeneration Ventures
Dr. Robert Tieleman
Cardiologist and electrophysiologist at UMC Groningen and Martini Hospital
Prof. dr. Folkert Asselbergs
Chair Amsterdam Heart Center, Prof Precision Medicine at University College London, Prof Translation Data Science at University of Amsterdam
Prof. dr. Leon de Windt
Professor of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology Maastricht University
Naomi Tramper
Project Manager
Martijn van Basten Batenburg
Project Manager
Anne Grace Stegeman
Communications Advisor
Margien Boels
Chief Operating Officer Phlox Therapeutics
Luc Schoppink
Impact Officer
Moniek Koopman
Project Coordinator Delta Plan Heart Failure
Prof. dr. Wiek van Gilst
Professor Cardiovascular and Clinical Pharmacology UMC Groningen
Prof. dr. Arno Hoes
Dean and vice-chairman of the board of directors of UMC Utrecht
Prof. dr. Rudolf de Boer
Chair of Cardiology at Erasmus MC and chairman of the NVVC
Prof. dr. Pieter Doevendans
Professor Cardiology UMC Utrehct and member of the NLHI Board
Hans Snijder
Director at The Dutch Heart Foundation
Prof. dr. Maarten Merkx
Professor at the department of Biomedical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology
Merik Seven (MBA)
Director programs ZonMw
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