The STRAP consortium aims to reduce the burden of heart disease by early detecting heart disease deterioration, benefiting patients, healthcare workers, and society. This initiative responds to acute needs observed in cardiology clinics, combined with the increasing availability of health tracking technologies. The project focuses on developing a new, AI-powered solution using cost-effective technology to maximize impact on healthcare costs.

The Research
STRAP is dedicated to developing a comprehensive data collection platform integrating off-the-shelf and cutting-edge self-tracking technologies. This platform empowers patients to measure vital signs at home, eliminating the need for frequent clinic visits and enabling longitudinal data collection on daily activities and emotions. The platform enhances self-tracking adherence through gamification strategies. The project involves developing and evaluating novel diagnostic and prognostic methods through two trials with target groups where notable improvements are achievable and highly impactful:

  1. Trial for Elderly Heart Patients: reducing re-hospitalization among elderly heart patients to minimize health deterioration and healthcare costs.
  2. Trial at Cardiac Outpatient Clinics: lower costs and enhance the quality of heart disease diagnosis for individuals attending cardiac outpatient clinics.

The foundation of the trials is twofold. Establishing a Robust Dataset: creating an interconnected dataset to evaluate digitalized techniques' performance in relation to health records. This dataset incorporates electrocardiography data, stethoscope audio recordings, wrist-worn device activity levels, electronic nose sensor data, and self-reported information via IoT technologies, including parameters like water consumption, sleep patterns, real-time feelings, physiological responses, and overall patient well-being. Employing this diverse dataset, STRAP develops innovative analysis and early diagnosis methods to advance heart disease detection and monitoring.

Through these efforts, STRAP aims to implement advanced technologies and data-driven approaches to significantly impact heart disease management.

This project was funded within the Big Data & Health Program. The focus of this public-private research program is the use of big data for the early detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The program has been developed by NWO, ZonMw, the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Top Sectors Life Sciences & Health (LSH), ICT and Creative Industry, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and the Netherlands eScience Center. Within this research program, the ambitions of the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and the Netherlands eScience Center were aligned with the ambitions of Commit2Data for the Top Sectors ICT, LSH, and Creative Industry, as described in the 2018-2019 Kennis- en Innovatiecontracts between NWO and the Top Sectors.

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P. Markopoulos

Principal investigators

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Individuals with atrial fibrillation are at increased risk of an ischemic stroke. Active detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) and optimal referral and treatment of patients could prevent an estimated 1500 ischemic strokes annually. Effective collaboration between primary and secondary care professionals is essential for achieving this goal of stroke prevention attributed to AF. This is the primary objective of the implementation consortium known as CUSTOM-AF. The origin  The CUSTOM-AF was founded in June 2020 and restarted in 2022. CUSTOM-AF implementation consortium aims to share successful practice examples with regional networks and develop guidelines for organizing active detection and integrated care within a network. Additionally, consortium partners seek innovative methods for general practitioners to detect and manage AF without necessitating hospital referrals. With this consortium, the Dutch Heart Foundation, NVVC Connect, Harteraad, and the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance, all work together towards optimal care for patients with AF. The Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) serves as a key advisor to the consortium. Earlier detection and better treatment of atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia in adults, is an important part of the cardiovascular disease research agenda that the Dutch Heart Foundatoin set in 2014, which funds the CUSTOM-AF consortium. The Research The scope of the consortium has been expanded to include two disorders: heart failure and AF. The consortium has undertaken significant initiatives over the past two years (2020-2022) to advance its objectives: Guideline Development: The consortium developed the "Screening and Treatment Optimization for AF" guideline, designed to facilitate early detection of AF within regional healthcare systems. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A comprehensive analysis conducted to assess various screening scenarios for AF, evaluating the economic feasibility of different approaches. Thematic Collaboration: In early 2022, a thematic collaboration titled "Juiste Hartzorg op de Juiste Plek" was established in partnership with the Heart Foundation and ZonMw. This collaboration secured funding for 22 regions to support transmural collaboration on AF and HF, with a focus on early detection and treatment optimization. Moving forward from September 2022, NVVC Connect will intensify support for the regions by emphasizing continuous improvement through the PDCA cycle, facilitating knowledge sharing, and implementing innovative approaches. These efforts are aimed at strengthening collaboration and improving outcomes in AF and HF care across the participating regions.
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Right Heart Care In the Right Place

Atrial fibrillation and heart failure are two of the major cardiovascular challenges of our time. It is important that these conditions are detected in time and treated according to guidelines. This is far from always the case. It is sometimes not clear that certain symptoms are caused by atrial fibrillation or heart failure, neither to the patient himself nor to health care providers. As a result, it sometimes takes a long time before someone receives the right treatment. The chronic nature of heart diseases such as atrial fibrillation and heart failure also means that patients with these conditions are seen by many healthcare providers. To achieve this in a high-quality and transparent manner, optimal cooperation between the various care domains is necessary. It is important that the principle of right care in the right place (JZOJP) is applied. However, network care is complex and the effective organization of JZOJP by the right healthcare professional is still far from commonplace despite the many initiatives. The origin Better treatment of these conditions was a priority on the cardiovascular disease research agenda. This is why the Dutch Heart Foundation and ZonMw have started the thematic collaboration “Right Heart Care In the Right Place". By combining expertise, we want to detect as many people as possible with atrial fibrillation and heart failure early and treat them optimally. We are doing this in various ways: jointly setting up subsidy rounds to support regional collaborations, supporting a national support structure for the regions and overarching activities that contribute to knowledge development. As part of Right Heart Care In the Right Place, the network program of the Dutch Society of Cardiology, NVVC Connect, together with involved network partners, facilitates an adequate national support structure for affiliated regional collaborations, or Connect regions. The Connect regions are supported and guided in, for example, preparing the subsidy application and they receive support during the implementation of the regional transmural agreements. The research The Right Heart Care In the Right Place consists of two forms of support: the National Impulse: the aim is to set up a sustainable national support structure that stimulates and guides regions in the regional design and implementation of network care in the field of atrial fibrillation and heart failure the Regional Impulse: the aim of the Regio-Impulse Cardiac Care is to support regional alliances, the Connect regions, in implementing regional transmural agreements. By bringing together the various care providers from the 3rd, 2nd and 1st line, these collaborative ventures jointly offer cardiological care for atrial fibrillation or heart failure more integrally and transmurally. In this way, the patient comes into contact with the healthcare provider who can best contribute to the care need at that moment. A maximum of 22 Connect regions can receive funding to implement the transmural agreements or to optimize the implementation in their region.
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