In the past decade, there has been significant progress in understanding sex- and gender-based differences in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, this knowledge remains scattered across medical literature, highlighting the need for a centralized platform accessible to healthcare professionals, scientists, policymakers, and patients. The IMPRESS consortium aims to establish a knowledge platform focused on gathering, summarizing, and prioritizing existing knowledge related to sex- and gender-specific aspects of CVD. This initiative seeks to promote the implementation of existing knowledge into clinical practice, identify knowledge gaps, and inform policymakers about areas requiring additional attention.

In substantial portions of women with symptoms of myocardial ischemia, obstructive disease in the epicardial coronary arteries is absent. Currently, such women undergo multiple diagnostic tests, which do not always result in a conclusive diagnosis. IMPRESS seeks to reduce missed and delayed diagnoses of heart diseases in women, improving cardiovascular care outcomes nationwide. The knowledge platform will serve as a national resource, fostering collaboration and supporting the adoption of sex- and gender-sensitive practices in cardiovascular medicine.

The Research

IMPRESS consolidates existing knowledge, fosters research, and implements findings into practice wherever possible (for example by creating a Decision Support Tool for primary care and for cardiologists). Within the IMPRESS consortium, the following studies are being conducted:

  • Delphi study: delayed or missed diagnosis of heart disease
  • Silent heart attacks: causes, symptoms, and risk factors of silent myocardial infarctions
  • UMCU-IMPRESS pilot study: undetected coronary microvascular disease (CMD)
  • Peripheral-Flow: LASCA technique in CMD
  • Dutch registry of coronary function tests


The origin

In the past decade, the understanding of sex- and gender differences in CVD has considerably improved. However, relevant evidence is scattered throughout the medical literature. There is a need to make this information easily accessible to health care professionals, scientists, policy makers and patients. Implementation of existing knowledge in clinical practice will then be promoted, knowledge gaps identified, and policy makers informed on the areas that need additional attention. This is also of high importance to the Dutch Heart Foundation, which therefore funded the IMPRESS consortium; a collaboration between several DCVA partners; the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cardiologie (NVVC), WCN, Netherlands Heart Institute (NLHI), ZonMw and the Dutch Heart Foundation, supported by the DCVA.


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Clinical staff in hospital wards traditionally collect vital signs periodically to assess a patient's cardiorespiratory status, often with intervals of 6 to 10 hours. This method, known as spot-checking, has limitations due to its infrequent nature and dependence on contact sensors, which can be uncomfortable for patients, particularly during sleep. The Focus Recent advancements demonstrate that vital signs like heart rate, respiration rate, blood oxygen saturation, and temperature can be monitored remotely using camera-based methods, which are less invasive compared to contact sensors. This innovation could significantly enhance patient comfort by enabling continuous monitoring without the need for frequent interventions by clinical staff. Continuous monitoring also allows for trend analysis of vital signs, offering a comprehensive assessment of a patient's cardiorespiratory condition. Additionally, camera-based methods enable video context analysis, such as detecting patient movements or identifying pain through facial expression analysis. This project explores the use of continuous video monitoring as an unobtrusive method to predict and monitor patient deterioration or adverse events. The Research Initially, the feasibility and reliability of camera-based continuous monitoring will be evaluated using data from consenting patients in the ICU at Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven and healthy volunteers. Subsequently, robust technologies will be developed to automatically detect signs of patient deterioration by generating automated early warning scores based on measured vital signs. Throughout the project, feedback from clinical staff and patient experiences will inform the design and implementation of camera-based technologies and early warning systems. Origin This project is funded within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program 'Heart for Sustainable Care'. The focus of this program is the development of medical technology for the earlier detection, monitoring, and better treatment of cardiovascular diseases to ensure accessible healthcare and sufficient staffing. The program has been developed en funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw and NWO, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.
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Until recently the standard approach of patients with recent-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) involved early cardioversion. In the latest ESC AF guidelines, a delayed cardioversion approach within 48 hours has been added to the recommendations. However, given the self-terminating and recurrent nature of AF, cardioversion may not always be necessary, and rate control medication could suffice to manage symptoms until spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm occurs. The Research Continuous heart rhythm monitoring elucidated the recurrent and transient nature of recent-onset atrial fibrillation (AF). In the RACE7 we showed that a wait-and-see approach (WAS) in patients with recent-onset AF (rate control for symptom relief followed by delayed cardioversion if needed <48h) allows spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm in 69% of patients, obviating active cardioversion. Recurrences within one month were seen in 30% of patients in both groups, i.e. the initially chosen strategy did not affect the recurrence pattern. Considering the latter, it remains unclear whether cardioversion is needed at all, especially since cardioversion strategy does not seem to affect behaviour of the arrhythmia over time. Instead of cardioversion a watchful-waiting rate control strategy may be appropriate as initial strategy. Therefore, we intend to perform a multi-center clinical randomized controlled trial to show non-inferiority of watchful-waiting with rate control versus the WAS approach in terms of prevalence of sinus rhythm at 4 weeks follow-up, using a novel telemonitoring infrastructure to guide rate and rhythm control during follow-up. This novel telemonitoring infrastructure may facilitate the watchful-waiting strategy and obviate the need for cardioversion and reduce costs compared to the delayed rhythm control WAS strategy. The study will be conducted across multiple centers in the Netherlands, including UMC Groningen, Radboud UMC, Amsterdam UMC, Alrijne Hospital, VieCuri Medical Centre, Zuyderland Medical Centre, Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital, Rijnstate Hospital, Martini Hospital, St. Antonius Hospital, Antonius Hospital, Noordwest Hospitalgroup, Medisch Spectrum Twente, and Maastricht University Medical Center. Origin This project is funded within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program 'Heart for Sustainable Care'. The focus of this program is the development of medical technology for the earlier detection, monitoring, and better treatment of cardiovascular diseases to ensure accessible healthcare and sufficient staffing. The program has been developed en funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw and NWO, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.
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