Atrial fibrillation (AF) is not benign. It commonly progresses from paroxysmal AF (PAF) to permanent AF. AF progression is associated with major adverse cardiovascular/cerebral events (MACCE). Cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities (CVR) are present long before the first AF episode, causing a progressive atrial cardiomyopathy (ACM). The mechanisms of ACM vary between patients hindering effective AF management. The EmbRACE network now aims to unravel the diversity of mechanisms underlying ACM, identify simple diagnostic tools to identify them, and develop a therapeutic approach to prevent ACM progression.

The Research

Early rhythm-control therapy is one promising intervention to potentially interfere with ACM progression next to CVR management. For a sustained impact we aim to develop care pathways to prevent ACM and AF progression and MACCE. Therefore, we will

  1. identify and validate relevant cellular and molecular determinants of ACM and AF and their clinical surrogate parameters;
  2. develop an in-silico platform to simulate identified mechanisms of ACM and AF and their effects on AF progression and, based on these data, make suggestions for future refinement of ACM therapy;
  3. explore the variety of temporal patterns of PAF as markers of ACM subtypes, demonstrate their prognostic relevance and identify surrogate markers available in clinical practice, based on AI and machine learning;
  4. test in a randomized trial stratified for sex the hypothesis that early AF ablation and optimal CVR management in AF patients with ACM delays ACM progression and reduces MACCE;
  5. explore whether lifestyle management reduces ACM progression, whereas with only rate control ACM progresses;
  6. validate the RACE V AF progression score in real life cohorts and translate this and other knowledge into novel care pathways for AF.

The origin

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia and can lead to a variety of complications, such as stroke. Currently, there are limited treatment options for this cardiac arrhythmia. Moreover, the disease is often noticed late, which makes proper treatment even more difficult. Therefore, the Dutch Heart Foundation funded the RACE V consortium. Afterwards, the Dutch Heart Foundation guided an exploration to form a national consortium as a follow-up around this theme. This led to the EmbRACE consortium, which is a national network of six university medical centers, UMC Groningen, Maastricht UMC+, UMC Utrecht, Amsterdam UMC and LUMC and Erasmus MC, and hospitals in Arnhem and Eindhoven. The Dutch Heart Foundation funds the research.

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The successful treatment of congenital heart disease (ConHD) has greatly increased the survival of children with this condition. Many of these defects require surgical or catheter interventions immediately after birth. However, complete restoration of the defect is often unachievable, a high risk of developing heart failure, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death or blood vessel dilatation or stenosis relatively early in life. Currently, there is a lack of personalized risk predictors and optimal clinical decision tools, highlighting an unmet need to develop new effective strategies for treating and preventing ventricular failure, arrhythmias, and large vessel diseases. The Focus The OUTREACH consortium focuses on specific types of congenital heart diseases (ConHD) related to outflow tract defects, such as transposition of the great arteries, congenital aortic stenosis, and tetralogy of Fallot, which collectively account for over half of all ConHD cases. The goal of OUTREACH is to reduce the risk of mortality and morbidity and improve the quality of life for these patients (both children and adults) by improving follow-up practices based on outcomes, implementing personalized risk assessment tools, and advancing therapeutic strategies. The Research The OUTREACH consortium integrates expertise in preclinical research, developmental biology, disease modeling, and clinical research from academic centers specializing in pediatric and adult congenital cardiology and surgery. Its objectives are: identifying better parameters for risk assessment and early detection of heart failure or ventricular arrhythmias in ConHD patients with outflow tract defects. Exploring efficient treatments to enhance adaptation and prevent heart failure and vascular damage in at-risk ConHD patients. This consortium conducts extensive research involving a large cohort of ConHD patients to unravel the underlying causes and mechanisms of cardiac adaptations following surgical interventions. It investigates the molecular mechanisms responsible for outflow tract defects and evaluates whether stimulating heart regeneration in ConHD models can mitigate adverse remodeling and heart failure. Additionally, the consortium explores new non-invasive imaging techniques and blood-derived biomarkers to develop innovative risk analysis tools for clinical decision-making. In OUTREACH a nationwide registry is created for all patients (children and adults) with ConHD in the Netherlands by harmonizing existing registries KinCor and ConCor. This is an important step towards optimizing the quality of care for the ConHD population and fostering scientific research on ConHD. Origin The Dutch Heart Foundation and Stichting Hartekind, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance, initiated an invitational grant to start and fund large-scale research aimed at earlier detection and better treatment of the consequences of congenital heart defects.
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Pulmonary Hypertension (PH), particularly Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), presents a fatal complication in chronic diseases, affecting 1 in 50,000 individuals, predominantly at a young age and more often in females. The underlying genetic link involves mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2) gene, disrupting BMP signaling. The PHAEDRA-IMPACT consortium aims to understand PH and PAH. The Research The research focuses on understanding PAH through the transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) signaling pathway, particularly influenced by mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2) gene, prevalent in heritable and some non-hereditary PAH cases. The PHAEDRA initiative identified compounds that modulate the TGFβ/BMP balance, showing efficacy in restoring endothelial function and reversing pulmonary vascular remodeling in preclinical models, though not curing PAH, making early detection crucial. PHAEDRA has identified biomarkers for timely diagnosis and personalized treatment. PHAEDRA-IMPACT will enhance early detection using non-invasive risk assessments, imaging, and biomarker profiling to detect pre-capillary PH. Precision medicine will guide tailored therapies based on advanced imaging and biomarker analyses, addressing disease progression variability among predisposed individuals. Additionally, patient-derived induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells will be used in 3D culture models of lung and heart tissues to uncover PAH mechanisms and identify therapeutic targets. This comprehensive approach aims to advance our understanding of PAH pathogenesis, accelerate drug development, and enable personalized treatment and preventive strategies for individuals at risk or affected by PH. Origin This consortium was funded through the Impulse Grant program by the Dutch Heart Foundation.
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