Recap of the 7th Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting

More than three hundred passionate researchers, DCVA partners and valued stakeholders joined us for a vibrant and informative program. Not only did we exchange research findings, but we also celebrated the 5-year anniversary of the DCVA 🎉

We would like to thank all the esteemed keynote speakers, distinguished guests, sponsors and participants who made this event a resounding success.

This event was made possible with the support of the DCVA partners: Netherlands Heart Institute, Health~Holland, RegMedXB, Young@Heart and our sponsors. We are grateful and proud to receive support from:

  • Novo Nordisk
  • Amarin
  • ASKbio
  • CARIM Maastricht
  • Abbott
  • Astra Zeneca
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Catalyze
  • F1RST fund
  • MSD
  • Novartis
  • PLN Foundation
  • Sanofi

Would you like to know more about the congress? Check out the congress website for more information.

Thanks again for visiting, and we hope to see you next year!

🗓 June 20-21, 2024 – 8th Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting

Congress website

Each year, the Netherlands Heart Institute grants fellowships to young scientists, enabling them to pursue work abroad for a duration of up to one year. This fellowship program is made possible with the support of the Foundation Friends of Cardiology (Vrienden van de Cardiologie).

During the 7th Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting organized by the DCVA and the Netherlands Heart Institute, three applicants were selected to present their proposals. We are thrilled to announce the recipient of the NLHI Fellowship 2023 program:

1st place:Renee Maas (UMC Utrecht) - "ASSAY; Automated Stratification Scoring Analysis in Patient-derived cardiomYocytes'
2nd place: Karel Breeman (Amsterdam UMC) - "Leadless pacemakers: long-term outcomes and novel applications in order to minimize the burden of pacemaker-related complications"
3rd place: Mitchel Molenaar (Amsterdam UMC) - "Artificial intelligence to support risk stratification and clinical decision making in patients with obstructive coronary artery disease"

We congratulate Renee Maas for being announced as the winner of the NLHI Fellowship Award 2023.

At the 7th Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting, the NLHI NVVC Einthoven Dissertation prizes were presented to recognize exceptional doctoral research conducted in the Netherlands in 2022 on cardiovascular topics. Following a rigorous selection process, the jury identified the following three candidates as recipients of this prestigious award:

1st place: Aernoud Fiolet: 'Colchicine in Coronary Disease: Using the available to enable the sustainable.
2nd place: Michiel Henkens: 'Improving diagnosis and risk stratification of cardiomyopathies across the ejection fraction spectrum – The past, present, and future.'
3rd place: Jorrit Lemkes: 'Timing of coronary angiography in acute coronary syndromes – The TRANSIENT and COACT trial.'

We congratulate Aernoud Fiolet for being announced as the winner of the NLHI NVVC Einthoven Dissertation prize. His research on 'Colchicine in Coronary Disease' demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field of cardiovascular research.

The 7th Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting offers young researchers a valuable platform to share and discuss their latest and noteworthy data with esteemed leaders in the cardiovascular field. Recognizing excellence, poster prizes of €300, €200, and €100 are awarded to the top presentations. We congratulate the following winners:

1st place: Nienke ter Stege
2nd place: Su Ji Han
3rd place: Caroline Pham

The prestigious Wiek van Gilst Collaboration Award was bestowed at the DCVA/NLHI conference. Last year, Wiek was the first to receive the prize, this year's award was presented to the Hartenbank.

The primary objective of the collaboration award is to foster collaboration within the cardiovascular field, aligning with the DCVA's ambition to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.

We congratulate the Hartenbank for being announced as the winner of the Wiek van Gilst Collaboration Award 2023!

In order to enhance and expand the scope of their research, the DOUBLE-DOSE consortium has allocated a portion of their talent budget for a mini-consortium grant. This funding opportunity aims to promote team science and invites independent researchers to join the DOUBLE-DOSE consortium. The proposed projects should demonstrate innovation and preferably focus on developing new techniques or providing pilot data for future funding applications.

Double-Dose Mini Consortium Grant Recipients:

1st place: "Pro-angiogenic gene therapy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy" by Monica Gladka.
2nd place: "Non-Invasive Imaging of Myocardial Metabolic Stress at Ultra-High Magnetic Field Strength" by Daan Westenbrink.


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