

In the Netherlands, there is no national approach for early detection of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and type 2-diabetes in the general population, despite the social and economic impact of these disorders. The Check@Home consortium was founded to fill this gap and aims to lower the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes by 25% in the next ten years, and thereby decrease the burden of these chronic diseases.

The Focus

Due to common risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity and the aging population, the number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease or type 2-diabetes is expected to increase excessively in 2030. A large proportion of people are not aware of having these diseases, as it is often present without overt symptoms. Fortunately, these chronic conditions can be detected at an early stage, allowing for adequate and early treatment to prevent (the progression of) these conditions and their complications. Check@Home aims to do so by developing a (cost-)effective national program that is accessible to all socio-economic groups and takes place in the citizen's own living environment, making it comfortable for citizens to do. It will also reduce the burden on primary care and contribute to the affordability and sustainability of healthcare. The program is designed and implemented in close collaboration with citizens, patients, and local citizen initiatives, to make sure that this program is a durable solution for all groups of society.

The Research

In total 160,000 people aged 50-75 years and living in Breda, Utrecht, Arnhem and Eindhoven, will be invited to participate in the study with a home-based test using the Check@Home digital platform. In case of early signs of cardiovascular disease, kidney damage or diabetes type 2, a targeted work-up will follow in a regional diagnostic center. If necessary, lifestyle advice and initiation of medication will be provided to relieve regular care as much as possible.

The Origin

At the request of several DCVA partners, including the Dutch Heart Foundation, which has earlier recognition of cardiovascular disease highly prioritized on its national research agenda, which was drawn up at the initiative of the Dutch Heart Foundation in 2014 and revised in 2020, the DCVA explored the potential for a national initiative to develop the first population screening for cardiovascular disease in 2020. The Check@Home study builds on previous studies, including the KidneyCheck study. To achieve a national approach to the early detection of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney damage, the DCVA, Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Kidney Foundation and Dutch Diabetes Fund established the Check@Home consortium. This is a collaboration of multiple research groups, private parties, and research funders: NWO, the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Kidney Foundation and the Dutch Diabetes Fund.

The projectcoƶrdinators are Dr. Lyanne Kieneker and Dr. Stephanie van der Voorn.

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Dr. Lyanne Kieneker

Principal investigators

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Heart failure represents a significant healthcare challenge due to its high morbidity and mortality rates. Historically, the emphasis has been on heart failure with reduced ejection fraction characterized by left ventricular dilation. However, nearly half of heart failure patients involve diastolic dysfunction due to heart chamber stiffening, known as diastolic heart failure or HFpEF. The Focus Research conducted by our consortium indicates that impaired kidney function is an is a strong risk factor for HFpEF. Patients with chronic kidney disease are more prone to developing HFpEF and have higher mortality rates from associated complications. The specific mechanisms by which even slight declines in renal function worsen cardiovascular risk and impact the development and prognosis of HFpEF are not yet fully understood. Insights from RECONNECT highlight the pivotal role of systemic inflammation and microvasculature in this context. The Research RECONNEXT (Renal connection to microvascular disease and HFpEF: the next phase) is a multicenter consortium dedicated on advancing medical research on heart failure - particularly heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) - in relation to impaired kidney function. Specific pre-clinical and clinical research objectives have been defined: Identify renal drivers for HFpEF onset and progression in subgroups/clusters of HFpEF patients, taking patient-specific risk profiles into account. Deepen our understanding of the mechanistic pathways involved in the pathogenic cross-talk between renal drivers, systemic inflammation, microvasculature, and cardiac cells leading to HFpEF, using dedicated ex vivo bioassays to assess patient material and in vivo small and large animal models. Investigate the most promising therapeutic targets in newly developed and well-characterized state-of-the art rodent and porcine models of CKD-associated HFpEF, taking comorbidities into account. Investigate the most promising therapeutic, diagnostic and prognostic candidate(s) in well-defined patient-groups by taking a stratified approach. We expect that the results of this project will enhance our mechanistic insight in the renal drivers of HFpEF development and progression and will lead to the development of personalized diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic solutions for HFpEF patients. The origin The RECONNECT consortium has provided fundamental knowledge on the connection between chronic kidney disease and HFpEF and established a translational pipeline for the discovery and evaluation of potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets. RECONNEXT builds upon the success of RECONNECT, established in 2015 (see Figure 1 below), supported by CardioVasculair Onderzoek Nederland (CVON) and the Dutch Heart Foundation. The RECONNEXT consortium consists of nephrologists, cardiologists, general practitioners, and scientists from five leading academic centers in the Netherlands (UMC Utrecht, Erasmus MC, UMC Groningen, Amsterdam UMC, Leiden University) renowned for their expertise in heart failure, vascular biology, and chronic kidney disease.    
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Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) remains a significant public health challenge, accounting for nearly 20% of all deaths in developed nations and approximately half of all heart disease-related fatalities. A notable subset of SCA cases occurs in individuals without prior heart disease diagnosis, resulting in profound psychosocial impacts on affected families and society. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the primary arrhythmia leading to SCA, often occurring outside healthcare settings with survival rates ranging from 5% to 20%. Prevention is crucial, yet gaps in our understanding of SCA causes and mechanisms hinder effective prevention efforts. Various genetic and non-genetic factors, such as gender, age, comorbidities, and lifestyle, likely influence SCA risk, but their specific contributions remain unclear. The Focus The PREDICT2 initiative brings together leading Principal Investigators with expertise in epidemiology, clinical studies, genetics, and functional research to elucidate factors contributing to SCA, uncover underlying mechanisms, and develop strategies for prevention and treatment. The Research Building on foundational work from PREDICT1, which involved extensive patient characterization and preclinical model development, PREDICT2 focuses on inherited arrhythmia syndromes as models to understand the arrhythmogenic substrate in more common cardiac syndromes associated with SCA. Specifically, PREDICT2 aims to: Identify genetic and non-genetic factors that contribute to SCA risk and develop personalized risk prediction algorithms for individual patient assessment. Conduct functional studies to elucidate the mechanisms underlying SCA, enabling the development of novel risk stratification and therapeutic approaches. Implement clinical studies to evaluate risk prediction algorithms and therapeutic interventions, aiming to enhance the treatment and prevention of SCA. Origin This consortium was funded through the Impulse Grant program by the Dutch Heart Foundation.
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