

In the Netherlands, there is no national approach for early detection of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and type 2-diabetes in the general population, despite the social and economic impact of these disorders. The Check@Home consortium was founded to fill this gap and aims to lower the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes by 25% in the next ten years, and thereby decrease the burden of these chronic diseases.

The Focus

Due to common risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity and the aging population, the number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease or type 2-diabetes is expected to increase excessively in 2030. A large proportion of people are not aware of having these diseases, as it is often present without overt symptoms. Fortunately, these chronic conditions can be detected at an early stage, allowing for adequate and early treatment to prevent (the progression of) these conditions and their complications. Check@Home aims to do so by developing a (cost-)effective national program that is accessible to all socio-economic groups and takes place in the citizen's own living environment, making it comfortable for citizens to do. It will also reduce the burden on primary care and contribute to the affordability and sustainability of healthcare. The program is designed and implemented in close collaboration with citizens, patients, and local citizen initiatives, to make sure that this program is a durable solution for all groups of society.

The Research

In total 160,000 people aged 50-75 years and living in Breda, Utrecht, Arnhem and Eindhoven, will be invited to participate in the study with a home-based test using the Check@Home digital platform. In case of early signs of cardiovascular disease, kidney damage or diabetes type 2, a targeted work-up will follow in a regional diagnostic center. If necessary, lifestyle advice and initiation of medication will be provided to relieve regular care as much as possible.

The Origin

At the request of several DCVA partners, including the Dutch Heart Foundation, which has earlier recognition of cardiovascular disease highly prioritized on its national research agenda, which was drawn up at the initiative of the Dutch Heart Foundation in 2014 and revised in 2020, the DCVA explored the potential for a national initiative to develop the first population screening for cardiovascular disease in 2020. The Check@Home study builds on previous studies, including the KidneyCheck study. To achieve a national approach to the early detection of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney damage, the DCVA, Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Kidney Foundation and Dutch Diabetes Fund established the Check@Home consortium. This is a collaboration of multiple research groups, private parties, and research funders: NWO, the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Kidney Foundation and the Dutch Diabetes Fund.

The projectcoƶrdinators are Dr. Lyanne Kieneker and Dr. Stephanie van der Voorn.

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Contact person:

Dr. Lyanne Kieneker

Principal investigators

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About 10% of the COVID-19 affected patients develop critical illness with a high mortality rate. This critical illness appears to be strongly linked with cardiovascular disease, as the prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities and risk factors (such as diabetes and obesity) are often found among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The consortium COVID@Heart believes that mitigating this cardiovascular burden of Covid-19 should start early, while patients are (still) outside the hospital. The Research COVID@Heart has three core activities: Develop a tool to identify high-risk cardiovascular patients with COVID-19 in a home environment, before the critical illness emerges. This tool will allow general practitioners to better notify high-risk patients, monitor them more closely (e.g. by using home saturation measurements), prescribe preventive cardiovascular medication earlier ('moon shot') and refer them to a hospital promptly when needed. Create a diagnostic tool to improve early differentiation between COVID-19 and a myocardial infarction, addressing the challenge of overlapping symptoms faced by general practitioners. Design a questionnaire supplemented by select biomarkers and blood tests to enhance the detection of cardiovascular disease in COVID-19 survivors experiencing prolonged symptoms of fatigue and shortness of breath, as these symptoms are potentially linked to accelerated subclinical cardiovascular disease. Origin Accurate information on how cardiovascular patients fared while still at home is lacking. This information is crucial to prevent hospital admissions. Therefore, COVID@HEART focuses on people who are not hospitalized but are at home and treated by their general practitioners. The Dutch Heart Foundation supports and funds this research into the best treatment for cardiovascular patients with a coronavirus infection.  
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The focus of this project is to develop a novel home-based exergaming system aimed at enhancing resistance to falls among individuals post-stroke. Preventing falls and fall-related injuries, minimizes healthcare utilization and societal costs and supports stroke survivors in maintaining independence in daily life. The Research The HEROES system is designed to target balance perturbations and improve stepping responses. It utilizes action observation and motor imagery techniques to personalize training for individuals with stroke. Stroke survivors will undergo a single training session in a rehabilitation center to practice recovering from real balance perturbations before using HEROES at home. The effectiveness of the HEROES-system will be assessed through a proof-of-principle randomized controlled trial (RCT) involving 60 stroke survivors, evaluating its impact on fall resistance and balance enhancement post-stroke. The approach of involving stroke survivors sets HEROES clearly apart from the currently available home-based exergames, which uses ‘healthy’ people and lack the required personalization of different post-stroke individuals. Origin This project is funded within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program 'Heart for Sustainable Care'. The focus of this program is the development of medical technology for the earlier detection, monitoring, and better treatment of cardiovascular diseases to ensure accessible healthcare and sufficient staffing. The program has been developed en funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw and NWO, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.
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