Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most prevalent cardiovascular disease globally and a leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Although substantial clinical evidence supports the benefits of physical activity, healthy diet, and cessation of nicotine use in preventing CAD, only a minority of individuals engage in rehabilitation programs aimed at CAD prevention.

The Focus
The CARRIER consortium centers its efforts on primary and secondary prevention of CAD through a regional collaboration involving clinicians, health service researchers, legal experts, and data scientists. Their focus is on investigating big data-driven, participative self-care interventions for CAD prevention. Leveraging internet and smartphone-based self-care interventions can extend the reach of these interventions, while data-driven prediction modeling enables targeted and personalized approaches.

The Research
The CARRIER project integrates clinical big data from various sources (hospitals and general practitioners) with socioeconomic big data and artificial intelligence to develop models for CAD prevention interventions delivered through an electronic lifestyle coach (eCoach). A prognostic model helps identify individuals at increased risk for CAD (primary prevention) and those with established CAD (secondary prevention) as the target population. Participants, in collaboration with clinicians, will co-create personalized health management plans supported by the eCoach to promote adherence. Data generated by the eCoach on participants' lifestyles will inform and validate predictive models estimating personalized benefits from lifestyle modifications. This feedback loop will inform clinicians and influence the eCoach's behavior to optimize CAD prevention strategies.

This project was funded within the Big Data & Health Program. The focus of this public-private research program is the use of big data for the early detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The program has been developed by NWO, ZonMw, the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Top Sectors Life Sciences & Health (LSH), ICT and Creative Industry, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and the Netherlands eScience Center. Within this research program, the ambitions of the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and the Netherlands eScience Center were aligned with the ambitions of Commit2Data for the Top Sectors ICT, LSH, and Creative Industry, as described in the 2018-2019 Kennis- en Innovatiecontracts between NWO and the Top Sectors.

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prof. dr. ir. A.L.A.J. Dekker (Andre)

Principal investigators

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In preceding decades, conventional therapies have notably enhanced the survival rates of heart failure (HF) patients. However, a subset of individuals, particularly younger patients afflicted with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) or arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM), still confront disease progression despite these treatments. This underscores the necessity for innovative approaches. The ARENA-PRIME initiative aims to address this gap by focusing on the development of novel gene therapies tailored to the specific disease mechanisms underlying DCM, attributed to mutations in the RBM20 and LMNA genes, as well as ACM, and associated with mutations in the DSGL2 and PKP2 genes. The goal is to progress towards first-in-human clinical trials, particularly focusing on LMNA disease, and to establish preclinical proof-of-concept for ACM therapies targeting DSGL2 and PKP2. The Research The ARENA-PRIME researchers utilize insights from previous programmes on cardiac gene therapies (e.g., inhibitory RNAs such as allele-specific short hairpin RNAs, antimiRs, etc.) and gene editing technologies (e.g., base- and prime editing) to develop novel treatments for dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM). This effort is supplemented by advanced research on adeno-associated viral vectors and the integration of heart tissue collections with cutting-edge sequencing technologies (like single-cell sequencing) to further explore disease mechanisms. At the beginning of the ARENA-PRIME programme, a (end-) user committee has been established, making sure that (end-)users are  closely involved in the design of the studies and the implementation of the co-created studies and deliverables. This committee meets annually alongside the program's research meetings to provide guidance to investigators on optimizing the program's outcomes for (end-) users. It addresses all feedback, inquiries, and recommendations, whether requested or spontaneous. This committee meets once per year in conjunction with the programme’s research meetings and advises the investigators about the course of the programme and what actions need to be taken in order to maximise the probability that the (end-) users will be able to utilize and/or benefit from the results. This committee addresses any comments, remarks, questions and advice they may have, solicited or otherwise. The members of the ARENA-PRIME user committee include cardiomyopathy patients and their relatives, clinicians (e.g. cardiologists), representatives from related research programs (e.g., RegMedXB, H2020-TRAIN-HEART), and industry stakeholders including biotech and pharma company representatives and venture capitalists. Supporting Young Investigators The programme prioritizes attracting and nurturing young talent, providing hands-on training and fellowship awards to facilitate their career development. Over 20 young investigators participate, benefiting from exposure to collaborative research environments. To further support this career development, five fellowship awards of 50.000€ have been granted the past three years to junior postdoctoral researchers in the laboratories of the Hubrecht Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Amsterdam UMC (location VUmc and AMC) and Maastricht University. Origin The former CVON-ARENA programme (2012-2017) advanced understanding of cardiac RNA species in heart failure (microRNAs, lncRNAs and circular RNAs). The CVON-ARENA programme (2012-2017) advanced understanding of cardiac RNA species, such as microRNAs, lncRNAs, and circular RNAs, in various forms of heart failure (HF). This subsequent ARENA-PRIME programme (2018-2023), funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, targets treatment-resistant HF forms, particularly in younger patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) or arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM). In 2023 ARIME-PRIME received a matching grant from the Dutch Heart Foundation to work on their research together with a private partners, so that they can achieve their ambitions and objectives more quickly.
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The eCG Family Clinic

Inherited cardiovascular diseases often run in families, with a 50% chance of passing on the disease-causing genetic defect to children. When a genetic mutation is found in the first family member diagnosed (called the proband), other relatives can get tested to see if they have the same mutation and – when they are carrier - be monitored and timely treated if needed. Unfortunately, less than half of the at-risk relatives don't seek genetic counseling in the first years of the proband's diagnosis. The eCG (electronic Cardiovascular Genetics) Family Clinic was created to stimulate families to test themselves after the diagnosis of the proband by making this process easier and more accessible. The Research  In the eCG Family Clinic consortium, a team of software experts, doctors, and specialists in ethics, law, economics, communication, and psychology work together to develop and implement a virtual clinic that offers personalized information and support through a virtual assistant, allowing relatives to make informed decisions about testing and treatment. Because this consortium believes that involving all possible affected stakeholders is crucial for its success, it frequently consults with probands, family members, healthcare professionals, and advocates to understand their needs. The prototype is designed while keeping the important economic, ethical, and legal aspects of this new approach in mind. The prototype of the eCG Family Clinic is tested in real healthcare settings to see how well it works compared to current practices Origin This project is funded within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program 'Heart for Sustainable Care'. The focus of this program is the development of medical technology for the earlier detection, monitoring, and better treatment of cardiovascular diseases to ensure accessible healthcare and sufficient staffing. The program has been developed en funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw and NWO, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.
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