Nomination is open for the Wiek van Gilst collaboration award 2024!


The Wiek van Gilst collaboration award will be presented for the third time next year during the DCVA-NLHI congress on June 20 and 21, 2024. The first year Wiek, as initiator and founder of the DCVA, had the honor of receiving the award himself. Last year, a total of 8 projects from various DCVA partners were nominated, with the Hartenbank winning the award. We are pleased to announce that we will be presenting the award again next year.

On this page, we provide details on the criteria and categories for which we are seeking nominations. We encourage all of you to propose individuals or initiatives that you believe deserve consideration for this prestigious award.

Purpose of the Collaboration Award

  • To promote collaboration broadly within the cardiovascular domain, with an emphasis on collaborations that contribute to reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease;
  • To express appreciation for and encourage the initiators of exceptional collaboration projects within the DCVA;
  • To further stimulate existing collaborations and initiate new collaborative opportunities.

Conditions and budget

  • Projects or individuals/organizations eligible for consideration make a distinctive contribution to the ambitions of the DCVA through a unique collaboration. The initiation phase and current stage of the initiative are not specified, leaving flexibility for when the collaboration was established. The project should serve as a source of inspiration for others in the cardiovascular field, encouraging the embrace of collaboration as a powerful tool for positive change;
  • Illustrative examples include successful collaboration across different healthcare sectors/organization structures, the development of multidisciplinary guidelines/standards of care, engagement of citizens/patients in healthcare organization or research, and the creation of products/devices/tools;
  • The award includes a grant of €10,000 to be used for fostering networks, collaboration (e.g., meetings, mini-symposiums), promoting existing collaborations, or stimulating new partnerships. Initiatives should provide a detailed proposal in the application form, outlining how their plans contribute to these goals and how the financial aspect will be addressed;
  • If there are any inquiries about the suitability of a nomination, contact can be made through

Procedure and Selection

  • All partners of the DCVA can nominate initiatives;
  • The DCVA has established a committee for this purpose. Similar to the previous year, this committee will compile a top 3 from the nominated initiatives and subsequently choose the winner;
  • The award ceremony will take place during the DCVA/NLHI congress on June 20 and 21, 2024. All DCVA partners and nominees are cordially invited to attend. The top 3 will be informed in advance, and it is expected that a representative will be present at the congress.


This call for nominations is authorized for dissemination among the members of every DCVA partner. Individuals or initiatives may be nominated by DCVA partners until Friday, March 1, 2024. Nominations should be submitted by email, using the attached completed form, to


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