News from Delta Plan Heart Failure: the National Heart Failure week

We are happy to announce that the National Heart Failure Week will take place from April 22 to 28, 2024, as part of the Delta Plan Heart Failure's commitment to raise public awareness of heart failure in the Netherlands.

The first Delta Plan Heart Failure Conference
In order to kick-off the National Heart Failure Week, we would like to extend a personal invitation for you to attend the Delta Plan Heart Failure Conference on Monday April 22nd from 19.00 to 21.00 at Paushuize in Utrecht.

This exclusive event is tailored for policymakers and healthcare professionals and will offer insights into the Heart Failure Epidemic and its impact on both patients and healthcare professionals. Furthermore, we will unveil the initial outcomes of the Delta Plan. A detailed agenda will follow in the upcoming newsletters. Your active participation will contribute to the success of this significant gathering.

Activities during the National Heart Failure week
We invited cardiologists and participants of the Impuls Hartzorg program, in collaboration with NVVC Connect, to actively participate in the National Heart Failure Week.

Throughout this week we are conducting activities (e.g., lectures, workshops) aimed to increase awareness of health failure among citizens, patients and, professionals. You can join us in our collective effort to elevate awareness of heart failure in the Netherlands and within the local professional domain. Please reach out to the project team if you want you want to participate in the National Heart Failure week

If you have any questions about the Delta Plan Heart Failure Conference, the heart related activities during the National Heart Failure week or about the Delta Plan Heart Failure in general, please contact the project team through


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