Meet three new partners

Earlier this year, the DCVA gained three valuable partners. The Dutch Societies of Vascular Medicine (NVIVG), Vascular Surgery (NVvV) and General Practioners with special interest in cardiovascular diseases (HartVaatHag) all have become full partners of the DCVA sharing the common ambition to lower cardiovascular disease burden in the Netherlands.

Learn what these three parties stand for, how they are valuable to the DCVA, and how the DCVA is valuable to them.

"Our emphasis is to improve quality of care within the domain of Internal Medicine with a focus on vascular medicine and to develop and disseminate knowledge concerning vascular medicine."

"We seek to advance excellence and innovation in vascular health through education, advocacy, research and public awareness."

"As general practitioners with cardiovascular disease as a focus area, we have an independent position in the scientific and social debate on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases."


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