Meet the partners

A double interview

The Dutch Heart Registration (NHR) and Harteraad are institutes with two different areas of expertise and goals, but also two partners of the DCVA with a joint mission. Find out what they stand for, where their ambitions overlap and how they strengthen the DCVA.

The DCVA is an interdisciplinary partnership of twelve leading organizations representing patients, academia, healthcare professionals, industry and government. Although they have joined forces to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease, each of these partners also has its own background, ideas, ideals and goals.

Meet the partners
In this second newsletter we interview leaders of two of these partners, namely Dennis van Veghel (left), managing director of the NHR and Anke Vervoord (right), managing director of Harteraad. NHR and Harteraad come from two completely different areas, but can reinforce each other within the DCVA. We ask them three questions, after which they ask each other an extra question.


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