Heart4Data: recap consortium meeting February 7th

💡 On Wednesday, the 7th of February 2024 a consortium meeting of Heart4Data took place. Did you miss this meeting? Read all about the progress made developing a sustainable infrastructure for cardiovascular research in the recap (in Dutch), like:

  • The design of the infrastructure, such as the governance.
  • Automation: use cases with Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Zorginstituut Nederland show that data links are feasible.
  • Usability for registration-based research: the progress of the research trials SELEQT-HF and REPEAT-AF.

Heart4Data is initiated and funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation and ZonMw, and supported by the NHR, NLHI, NvHvv, WCN, NVVC, NVT, VIG, Harteraad and NFU.


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