Heart4Data: Open call for project proposals on data linkage

Deadline for submission is April 1st 2024

The ambition of the Heart4Data consortium is to train and develop the talents of future leaders in cardiovascular research. Therefore, the consortium wants to offer talented researchers and cardiologists in the Netherlands different opportunities to stimulate and support them in the next steps in their career.

We are very pleased to announce the first Heart4Data fellowship call application. This program will be an opportunity to develop research skills in registry-based research, particularly concerning data linkage, on the topic of heart failure.

For this call there is a budget available for three award-winning project proposals, the total budget for the call that is available is €30.000. Deadline for submission is April 1st 2024, with a latest starting date September 1st 2024.

Only proposals for retrospective-observational quality projects concerning heart failure (in the broadest sense, as outcome or subject of the study) with data linkage to the Netherlands Heart Registry (NHR) will be accepted for this fellowship call. The most talented project proposals will be awarded funding to use the data linkage agreements between NHR and one of the Heart4Data partners: Centraal Bureau voor Statistiek (CBS), PHARMO Database Network or Dutch Hospital Data (DHD).

For more information on the call, the criteria and data linkage partners: please read further in the call.

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