Heart4Data - Data Linkage Workshop

Are you interested to participate in the data linkage open call and would like to know more about data linkage with our partners CBS and PHARMO? Join us for an engaging and informative workshop, where you'll learn the ins and outs about the available data and best practices for data linkage.

📅 Date: Wednesday March 6th, 2024
🕒 Time: 15:30 – 17:30
📍 Location: online
🖋️ Registration: here


15:30 – Opening workshop
Alicia Uijl, project manager from Heart4Data will present the open call for data linkage.
15:45 – Ivo Gorissen on CBS (with Q&A)
Ivo Gorissen works as a Senior Advisor at CBS and in his role is involved in contact and support for researchers to conduct studies with CBS data.
16:30 – Eleonora Iob on PHARMO (with Q&A)
Eleonora Iob is an Epidemiologist and Medical Statistician and works at PHARMO as Research Manager on the topic of Real World Evidence and Pharmacoepidemiology.
17:15 – Closure workshop
There is an opportunity for final remarks and questions


Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to learn more about data linkage! Please register using this form.

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