Delta Plan Heart Failure brings heart failure specialists together on online platform

On World Heart Day, Delta Plan Heart Failure launches, a platform on which heart failure specialists will work together to effectively address heart failure. Deltaplan Heart Failure is an initiative of the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Netherlands Heart Institute and the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.

A joint approach to heart failure is urgently needed, as emphasized by the project group responsible for implementing the Delta Plan Heart Failure. Heart failure is a major social problem. There are currently 240,000 Dutch people registered with heart failure. In addition, an estimated 255,000 Dutch people have heart failure without knowing it.

Due to an ageing population, the number of people with heart failure is set to rise sharply in the coming years. Despite the seriousness of the disease and its frequent occurrence, only one in five Dutch people can accurately define what heart failure entails.

Delta Plan Heart Failure Platform

The Delta Plan Heart Failure aims to raise greater awareness of the seriousness of heart failure, promote early detection, and enhance the treatment and care of heart failure patients. The intention is to collaborate with ‘Juiste Hartzorg op de Juiste Plek’ to achieve the latter. One of the first actions is to set up a platform, which will feature already ongoing scientific research, projects and best practices.

Be a Part of It: Submit Your Heart Failure Initiatives

The purpose of a central platform is to gain insights into potential gaps and opportunities in the field of heart failure. Therefore, the Delta Plan Heart Failure project team warmly invites heart failure specialists, healthcare professionals and researchers to submit initiatives that are not yet featured on the website via

Delta Plan Heart Failure: Joining Forces Against the Heart Failure Epidemic

The Delta Plan for Heart Failure is an initiative of the Dutch Heart Foundation and Netherlands Heart Institute, working in collaboration under the umbrella of the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (DCVA). Within the DCVA, 22 research and healthcare organisations unite their efforts to expedite the delivery of solutions for cardiovascular diseases to patients. The Delta Plan Heart Failure provides support to heart failure specialists, aiming to collectively minimize the burden of heart failure, enhance the quality of life, and enable individuals with heart failure to remain active in society. In essence, it’s a joint effort to combat the heart failure epidemic.

Next year, on April 22, 2024, the Delta Plan Heart Failure will host a symposium, marking the commencement of the inaugural National Heart Failure Week. During this event, regions will spotlight heart failure awareness among the general public.


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