No more heart and vascular diseases catching us off guard, and research and innovation results applied faster in practice. That's the ambition of the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (DCVA), as it celebrates its five-year anniversary this summer. During the DCVA-NLHI Congress in Utrecht on June 22nd and 23rd, we will reflect on our achievements and set our sights on what lies ahead.
Established in 2018, the DCVA brings together scientists, healthcare professionals, funders, and societal organizations in the field of cardiovascular research. This nationwide collaboration aims to enable early detection of heart and vascular diseases and accelerate the development and implementation of solutions for the benefit of patients. Our joint mission is to raise one billion euros by 2030, working together to reduce the disease burden by a quarter.
In these intensive first five years, we have accomplished the following:
Professor Jolien Roos-Hesselink, Managing Director of the DCVA, states, "The Netherlands ranks among the scientific elite in cardiovascular research and publications, but lags behind in translating the results into practice. That's exactly where the DCVA aims to make a difference by collaborating with the entire field. And with great success: our DCVA is now being envied by international counterparts, who often inquire about replicating our model."
To celebrate its fifth anniversary, the DCVA is making a festive contribution to the annual DCVA-NLHI Congress in Utrecht, taking place on Thursday, June 22nd, and Friday, June 23rd. In September of this year, around DCVA's official anniversary on September 12th, experts from the University of Twente and Groningen will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the results achieved through all the projects.
All DCVA Partners
The DCVA is a collaborative alliance comprising the Hartstichting, Harteraad, ZonMw, NWO, KNAW, 4TU, Health~Holland, associations of cardiologists (NVVC), vascular medicine internists (NVIVG), vascular surgeons (NVvV), thoracic surgeons (NVT), primary care physicians specializing in cardiovascular diseases (HartVaatHAG), cardiovascular nurses (NVHVV), the Dutch Neurovascular Working Group (NNW), the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers (NFU), Netherlands Heart Institute (NLHI), Dutch Heart Registration (NHR), Netherlands Cardiovascular Research Initiative (WCN), Association of Innovative Medicines (VIG), Nefemed, the Dutch Society of Radiology (NVvR), and the Dutch Association of Clinical Genetics (VKGN).