Cardiovascular Moonshot (RegMed XB)


The Cardiovascular Moonshot of RegMed XB is a comprehensive program based on the concept of developing personalized cardiac regenerative therapies tailored to individual patients. The researchers aim to enhance the body's inherent regenerative capacity, such as improving contractility and perfusion of the heart muscle, repairing or replacing coronary arteries and heart valves. Importantly, researchers will gain insights into optimizing heart treatment and potentially preventing certain cardiovascular diseases in patients.

The Research
One approach of the Cardiovascular Moonshotis is to restore the heart function outside of the body (ex vivo). The advantage of this method is that we can solely treat the heart and assess cardiac function during treatment, while leaving all other tissues in the body as they are. Initially, this could be an option to restore donor hearts for transplant recipients. After restoring the heart, it will be re-implanted. This strategy also facilitates exploration of gene therapy for hereditary diseases. Along this process, the researchers learn how to treat the heart better and eventually also aim to deduce how to treat the heart inside a patient.

The Cardiovascular Moonshot of RegMed XB is the most recent addition to the Moonshot initiatives. To date, it has completed a hypothermic pilot study that has enhanced researchers' expertise in perfusion models. Currently, this model is undergoing further refinement for optimal heart preservation. Additionally, ongoing histopathological analysis of heart valves aims to elucidate how these valves remodel in response to altered fluid dynamics within the ex vivo heart platform.

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Prof. Dr. P. Doevendans (Pieter)

Principal investigators

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About 10% of the COVID-19 affected patients develop critical illness with a high mortality rate. This critical illness appears to be strongly linked with cardiovascular disease, as the prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities and risk factors (such as diabetes and obesity) are often found among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The consortium COVID@Heart believes that mitigating this cardiovascular burden of Covid-19 should start early, while patients are (still) outside the hospital. The Research COVID@Heart has three core activities: Develop a tool to identify high-risk cardiovascular patients with COVID-19 in a home environment, before the critical illness emerges. This tool will allow general practitioners to better notify high-risk patients, monitor them more closely (e.g. by using home saturation measurements), prescribe preventive cardiovascular medication earlier ('moon shot') and refer them to a hospital promptly when needed. Create a diagnostic tool to improve early differentiation between COVID-19 and a myocardial infarction, addressing the challenge of overlapping symptoms faced by general practitioners. Design a questionnaire supplemented by select biomarkers and blood tests to enhance the detection of cardiovascular disease in COVID-19 survivors experiencing prolonged symptoms of fatigue and shortness of breath, as these symptoms are potentially linked to accelerated subclinical cardiovascular disease. Origin Accurate information on how cardiovascular patients fared while still at home is lacking. This information is crucial to prevent hospital admissions. Therefore, COVID@HEART focuses on people who are not hospitalized but are at home and treated by their general practitioners. The Dutch Heart Foundation supports and funds this research into the best treatment for cardiovascular patients with a coronavirus infection.  
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The eCG Family Clinic

Inherited cardiovascular diseases often run in families, with a 50% chance of passing on the disease-causing genetic defect to children. When a genetic mutation is found in the first family member diagnosed (called the proband), other relatives can get tested to see if they have the same mutation and – when they are carrier - be monitored and timely treated if needed. Unfortunately, less than half of the at-risk relatives don't seek genetic counseling in the first years of the proband's diagnosis. The eCG (electronic Cardiovascular Genetics) Family Clinic was created to stimulate families to test themselves after the diagnosis of the proband by making this process easier and more accessible. The Research  In the eCG Family Clinic consortium, a team of software experts, doctors, and specialists in ethics, law, economics, communication, and psychology work together to develop and implement a virtual clinic that offers personalized information and support through a virtual assistant, allowing relatives to make informed decisions about testing and treatment. Because this consortium believes that involving all possible affected stakeholders is crucial for its success, it frequently consults with probands, family members, healthcare professionals, and advocates to understand their needs. The prototype is designed while keeping the important economic, ethical, and legal aspects of this new approach in mind. The prototype of the eCG Family Clinic is tested in real healthcare settings to see how well it works compared to current practices Origin This project is funded within the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) program 'Heart for Sustainable Care'. The focus of this program is the development of medical technology for the earlier detection, monitoring, and better treatment of cardiovascular diseases to ensure accessible healthcare and sufficient staffing. The program has been developed en funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw and NWO, who collaborate within the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance.
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