Double Dose - Silvia Evers

Silvia Evers is in this consortium responsible for the research on health technology assessment (HTA), societal burden (use of health and social care, productivity losses) and health-related quality of life.

Silvia holds a chair on Public HTA at Maastricht University, department of Health Services Research, which is part of the research school Caphri (Care and Public Health Research Institute), where she is leading the group on Creating Value-based Healthcare. Next to that, she is working at the Trimbos Institute, the Centre of expertise on mental health and addiction. She is involved in numerous HTA projects funded both nationally and internationally. Next to that, she is a coordinator and a senior lecturer in HTA and Health Economic courses. Silvia is editor of the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics and a member of several national and international working groups and referee for several journals and research programmes.
