The Netherlands votes for the National Cardiovascular Agenda, as will be used in the coming ten years

What exactly is such an agenda?

We want to achieve as much as possible for cardiovascular patients with the time and resources at our disposal. That is why we make a list of important challenges in the field of cardiovascular disease. We call this list the National Cardiovascular Agenda. To compile this agenda, we ask the opinion of all Dutch people, among whom patients, healthcare professionals, and researchers.

Why do we make this agenda?

In 2014, the Dutch Heart Foundation created the first national cardiovascular agenda, together with patients, their loved one, researchers and healthcare professionals. This approach proved to be successful: topics on the agenda received media attention and funding for research. Because cardiovascular diseases are still very relevant, it is time for a new agenda after ten years. With your help, de new cardiovascular agenda will again inspire and give direction to effective interventions to improve cardiac health in The Netherlands. We set ourselves the goal: a healthy heart for everyone, now and later.

How is the questionnaire made?

We consider it of the utmost importance that many people support the topics on the agenda. That's why we organized eighteen group discussions. One hundred and eighty people participated in these, from patients and policy makers to healthcare professionals and researchers. We collected all their ideas and listed them in a questionnaire. Right now, you can vote on this questionnaire!

How can I help?

Until November 20th, you can fill in the questionnaire. We not only want to ask you to do this yourself, but also to encourage others to do this as well. Follow the following link to give your opinion: In this way, you will help us reach our goal: a healthy heart for everyone, now and later!