The best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a long time is to teach it young. This certainly applies to those groups where unhealthy behavior is common: lower socioeconomic groups, which are increasingly multi-ethnic.
The Research
In this program we are studying the causes of unhealthy behavior in ongoing cohort studies, and together with the target group (10-14 years) we are looking for new ways to teach healthy behavior (nutrition, physical activity, sitting and sleeping behavior). We develop innovative interventions that at multiple levels (family, school, neighborhood, city) change the child's environment in such a way that healthy behavior is encouraged and unhealthy behavior is discouraged. We implement and evaluate in Amsterdam, and disseminate results to other cities.
The origin
The Heart Foundation aims for more people to make healthy choices, so that they feel vital and run less risk of developing (again) cardiovascular diseases, which was one of the themes of the reserach agenda. With its prevention programs, ZonMw contributes to the improvement of prevention practice, to health gains and to reducing socioeconomic health disparities.
Results from research show that healthy behavior cannot be taken for granted, and is strongly influenced by people's social and physical environment and socioeconomic status. Proven effective, innovative and accessible methods to enable people to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a long time are lacking. Therefore, the Dutch Heart Foundation and ZonMw have collaborated to form the program "Gezond leven: goed voor het Hart!". LIKE is one of the projects funded from this program.