Holland Hybrid Heart


In the Netherlands, there are 250,000 patients with heart failure. Half of these patients die within five years. The best treatment: a donor heart. But: there is a great shortage of these. The Holland Hybrid Heart consortium is therefore working on an alternative: a robot heart, made of soft materials.

The research

We envision the treatment of patients with heart failure (HF) in such a way that the survival and quality of life of HF patients drastically increases. We aim to achieve this by developing a unique bioinspired total artificial heart that integrates soft robotics and tissue engineering (TE). In the long term, we foresee that this pioneering technology allows us to develop and bring to the clinic a full set of artificial motile organs and tissues that seamlessly integrate with the human body. This will be possible as the novel and exciting technologies underlying the artificial heart developed in this project - soft robotics and in situ TE - can be used to generate a broad range of artificial motile organs such as muscle structures (e.g., limbs), bowels or lungs:

The motility and flexibility in shape and size of soft robots make them suitable for mimicking motile organs. Actuators can be embedded within the elastomeric matrix of these robots without compromising their malleable properties. In addition, embodied intelligence provides direct feedback on shape and force, enabling natural behaviour.

Biocompatibility of these artificial organs is provided by TE inside the body (in situ) using biodegradable coatings or scaffolds. Such TE scaffolds are cell-free synthetic bio-resorbable implants or linings that can recruit or interact with cells from the bloodstream, leading to gradual replacement of the scaffold by fully endogenous, and thus biocompatible, tissue. Importantly, the cell-free and thus off-the-shelf availability of these scaffolds avoids the high costs and complex logistics inherent to pre-implantation in vitro TE.

The Holland Hybrid Heart (HHH) consortium will push the development of these newly emerging technologies forward and combines soft robotics and in situ TE to generate the first biocompatible, soft actuated heart. This project will deliver Proof-of-Principle for full in vivo cardiac functionality of the artificial HHH in large animals. If successful, the HHH will be available for translation to the clinic as an effective treatment for advanced HF in patients and a valid alternative for moderately effective current HF therapies. This is a quantum leap forward in the treatment of HF.


A photo in the newspaper inspired Rotterdam heart specialist Jolanda Kluin to develop a robot heart. Kluin immediately contacted the interviewee in the article, Bas Overvelde, head of the Soft Robotic Matter group at Amolf, which develops soft robots. Could he perhaps also make a heart using soft robot techniques? Overvelde believed in it and a collaboration was born. Five years ago, they received a European subsidy of more than 3 million euros. This grant started the previous EU consortium, the EU Hybrid Heart.

Last December (2023), Kluin received another 11 million euros from the Dutch government to continue the Holland hybrid heart project. The Holland Hybrid Heart has pivoted to meet the demands of that new grant and now only contains 15 Dutch consortium partners. The consortium is funded by NWA-ORC and the Dutch Heart Foundation. In-kind contributions are also provided by the DCVA, the Dutch Heart Foundation, TrailBlazers, SBMC, EVOS and EE-Labels. The executing academic partners are Erasmus MC, Amolf, TU Eindhoven, University of Twente, TU Delft and Saxion Applied University. This research is driven by patient needs and the Harteraad and Stichting Pulmonale Hypertensie will provide the connections to these patients.

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Contact person:

Martin van Dijken & Suzanne Streefland

Principal investigators

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Delta Plan Heart Failure

Heart failure is a severe and chronic condition were the heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly, due to a structural and/or functional abnormality of the heart. It has many different causes, with the most common being hypertension and coronary artery disease. Heart failure is an unpredictable condition with sudden exacerbations of the disease, hospitalization, and will ultimately lead to death. Proper (and early) treatment may improve the symptoms of health failure and may lead to a relatively longer and better quality of life. The origin On the cardiovascular disease research agenda, as drawn up at the initiative of the Dutch Heart Foundation in 2014 and revised in 2020, the themes “Earlier recognition of cardiovascular disease” and “Heart failure” have been placed on the agenda. The DCVA also announced the Delta Plan Heart Failure in the 2022 annual plan. This resulted in the Delta Plan Heart Failure, which is initiated and financed by the Hartstichting, the Netherlands Heart Institute, and the Dutch Cardiovascular Alliance. In this national project, healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients have joined forces and will focus on the entire continuum of the disease from prevention to palliative care. The research We expect that burden of disease can largely be reduced by addressing the following key-points: Increasing public awareness of heart failure Early detection of heart failure Stimulating the collaboration among all (different) disciplines within the field of health failure Initiation of research consortia for innovative treatment and management of heart failure patients Furthermore, this project will not only focus on positively influencing survival but also on optimizing the patient’s quality of life and will pursue a strategic and operational approach.
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Registry-based research enables faster and cheaper clinical research by using real world data. This is particularly important in patient populations where research is otherwise difficult to conduct, such as heart failure patients with comorbidities. The main aim of the Heart4data consortium is therefore to develop a sustainable infrastructure for cardiovascular registry-based research in the Netherlands. This includes governance and Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, research methods, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data creation and data linkage with relevant databases.     About Heart4Data  The Heart4Data consortium is building on the core qualities and experience of DCVA partners. Heart4Data will create a DCVA Health Data Hub that will be part of the DCVA pillar Data Infrastructure to combine all expertises across the different DCVA partners as part of the sustainability program.    In addition, Heart4Data will contribute to improvement of valorisation and implementation through accelerating the generation of results and facilitate DCVA consortia by providing a platform for research at lower operational costs compared to more traditional research methods.    The Research 1. To create a national and sustainable FAIR data-based infrastructure for cardiovascular registry-based research.  The infrastructure includes a framework/structure for the governance, and the ethical, legal, financial, technological and methodological factors. There will be a special focus on heart failure in this project by creating a sustainable heart failure (and atrial fibrillation (AF)) registry in the Netherlands Heart Registration (NHR) and links with other relevant national and regional registries and data sources.    2. To use and prove value of the infrastructure by conducting two projects:    - Observational, longitudinal research on the entire spectrum of patients with heart failure (including patients with HFpEF) in the Netherlands (project A) with focus on guideline recommended diagnostic trajectories and treatment.  - Prospective randomized clinical research on pharmaco-therapeutic treatment in patients with chronic heart failure (project B: SELEQT-HF).  The origin One of the five top priorities named on the cardiovascular disease research agenda that the Dutch Heart Foundation set in 2014 was finding better treatment for heart failure and arrhythmias. Back in 2014, when the research agenda was drawn up, it became clear that registry-based research is essential for this. The Dutch Heart Foundation therefore funded this study as part of the collaboration with the ZonMw GGG program on Good Use of Medicines (Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen). For a complex project such as this, collaboration within the entire cardiovascular field is an important starting point. The consortium is a collaboration between several DCVA partners; the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw, NHR, WCN, Harteraad, NLHI, NVHVV, NVT, NVVC, VIG and Health-RI.  
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