Double Dose - Miranda Nabben

Miranda Nabben is junior principal investigator and particularly responsible for the young talent program within Double Dose.

Nabben was awarded Dutch Heart Foundation Dekker and NWO-VENI innovational research grants and is leading the Cardiac Genetics and Metabolism Innovation Platform, a joined initiative between the depts. Clinical Genetics (Maastricht UMC+) and Genetics & Cell Biology (Maastricht University). The platform aims to the benefit of multi-disciplinary patient care and (pre-)clinical research. Nabben’s research line focuses around metabolic therapies for gender-specific treatment of cardiac metabolic and genetic diseases. As board member of the international Society of Heart and Vascular Metabolism, Nabben was responsible for the trainees and early career researchers within the society. She initiated the Netherlands Heart Institute working group on Cardiac Metabolism and is scientific council member of Young@Heart, which is part of the Dutch Cardiovascular Alliance and represents the interests of young talents working in the cardiovascular field in the Netherlands.
