Double Dose - Rudolf de Boer

Rudolf de Boer is co-coordinator of the Dosis consortium which started in 2014. He is a clinical cardiologist and director of the Experimental Cardiology at the UMC Groningen. De Boer has a wide (international) network: he has served as an HFA Board member of the ESC and he is involved in the Dutch Cardiovascular Alliance as the President-elect of the Dutch Cardiac Society (NVVC).

The main research interests of the group of de Boer have been the identification of incident heart failure, with a focus on biomarkers, metabolic abnormalities, organ-organ cross-talk, and co-morbid conditions. In line, the studies of the Double Dose program in the UMCG will focus on preclinical abnormalities in human cardiomyopathies, using state-of-the-art imaging and biomarker studies. Further, we will study the effects of diseased cardiomyocytes on their environment. Finally, we will launch a PoC trial with a new compound to prevent earl disease onset. Our laboratory studies are very well aligned to large patient cohorts, and we collaborate with many groups in the Netherlands, the EU and USA.
