Double Dose - Folkert Asselbergs

Folkert Asselbergs is a clinical cardiologist, Prof of Precision Medicine, and co-lead of the NFU expertise center for inherited cardiac disease at UMC Utrecht. Asselbergs has a joint position as Professor of Precision Medicine at University College London and responsible for the data infrastructure within the DutchCardioVascularAlliance.

UMC Utrecht is specialized in advanced care and therapies for cardiomyopathy patients and cardiogenetic research is a focus area of the Center for Circulatory Health. All patients are included in an ongoing biobank UNRAVEL to collect clinical data from routine practice, blood samples, and cardiac tissue. Asselbergs his research program focuses on precision medicine using real-world data from clinical practice and -omics data for drug target discovery, diagnosis and risk prediction. Within the Dosis and Double Dose program Folkert Asselbergs predominantly focuses on identification of effect modifiers that explains the heterogeneity in disease expression across patients who carry the same mutation.
