Our ambition is to lower
the cardiovascular disease
burden by 25% in 2030

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Cardiovascular diseases are the biggest health challenge of our age. Through science, innovation and effective organization of care, we have been able to successfully intervene in acute cardiovascular events and have saved many lives. Due to aging, changing lifestyles and diabetes, however, the number of chronic heart patients is on the rise: almost 2 billion people in 2030, which is 33% more than today.

Twelve leading parties in research funding and patient care have joined forces in the Dutch Cardiovascular Alliance (DCVA). Our dream is to detect cardiovascular diseases earlier, to organize research and innovation smarter and bring down the disease burden by 25% in 2030. Public and private parties will do this together in consortia. The health impact of our work goes hand-in-hand with economic impact.

Mobilising 1 billion euros

Our dream is not out of reach. Technological progress – medical big data, high resolution imaging, molecular diagnostics, biotechnology, high-throughput sequencing, domotics, sensoring, and more – is opening new avenues for developing and implementing early detection and personalizing prevention and intervention. We will mobilize 1 billion euros over 10 years to get this done.

Taking action in 5 priority areas

A strong foundation has been laid, but we also believe that so much more impact can be achieved by the Dutch cardiovascular community by designing consortia around health, social and economic impact. To realize our ambitions, we will invest in creating an excellent and sustainable environment for cardiovascular breakthroughs, working on 5 priorities.

5 priorities

  1. Excellent science
  2. Fast tracks from lab to market
  3. Fast tracks from clinic to patient
  4. Career perspective for research talents
  5. Improve data infrastructure

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Aug 17

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Our ambition is to lower
the cardiovascular disease
burden by 25% in 2030

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