Closing day Leadership Program second group

Last week, the second group of participants of the DCVA Leadership Program presented their findings on the complex topics they have been working on for the last year. During a festive gathering in Kontakt der Kontinenten, Soesterberg, they presented their advise on ‘Responsible, valuable cardiovascular science and innovation’, ‘Using data from wearables for patient care’, ‘Hartenbank: donor recruitment and donor retention’, ‘Cardiac rehabilitation’ and ‘Tailor-made regulations for research’.

We invited five panel members; Jolien Roos, Rita Struhkamp, Douwe Atsma, Marina Senten and Carmen van Vilsteren to respond to the advices of the participants and ask them questions in order to start an interactive discussion.

The DCVA partners who are ‘the owners’of the complex healthcare problems were also present in order to learn what their group of participants have invested and concluded about the different topics. It was a joyful event and for some of the participants also their supervisors were present.

What is next?
After the summer break, the participants will continue with the second year of their program. Just like for the first group of the DCVA Leadership Program, the second year will include three in-depth days about personal leadership, valorisation and public affairs. In addition they will organize a network event and a study trip to a destination yet to be determined. They will finish their two year DCVA Leadership Program with a closing day in June 2023 for which they will compose the program themselves.