The Nationaal Actieplan Klinisch Onderzoek is a Dutch initiative to further improve our international position as an attractive country for clinical trials.
International Clinical Trials Day is held on May 20 each year to commemorate the day that James Lind began the first randomized clinical trial in 1747. The Netherlands is doing well in the European arena, with a strong collaborative ecosystem for clinical research, as shown in the recent Benchmark performed by CCMO, FAST, Invest in Holland, DCRF and the DCVA partners Health~Holland and VIG.
Since 1747 a lot has changed and the legislation and regulation to protect participants in clinical trials is extensive. However, the other side of the coin is that the red tape and procedures for trial start up have become so lengthy that delay is the rule rather than the exemption. Where the European Clinical Trial Regulation aims to facilitate timely start-up of clinical trials with investigational drugs, the implementation in the hospitals needs extra support. To maintain our good position in the global dynamics, the partners united in the Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (CCMO, ZonMW, NFU, STZ, VIG, ACRON and Platform Onderzoekersnetwerken) have launched an action plan on the 2024 International Clinical Trials Day.
DCVA partners WCN, VIG, ZonMW, NFU and Health~Holland actively contribute to this initiative and connected professionals are invited to contribute to the next phase of the plan, when the following priorities will be addressed: